The Universal Spirit and the Star Sign Aries

The Universal Spirit and the Star Sign Aries
The Universal Spirit and the Star Sign Aries

Those born between March 21st to Aril 20th fall into this category. Like the lamb of the ram who sired them the Aries child is full of attractive manners and beauty. They captivate their audience and learn from birth how to get their own way. My experience of this sign comes from my younger sister who charmed everyone with her love, caring nature, and generous acceptance of her lot in life.

On the negative side my sister protested the fact that she was the youngest in the family and made everyone aware of how unfair that was. She carried grudges and dislikes from her young childhood and loudly proclaimed them to anyone with a ready ear. Forced to eat certain vegetables, for instance, caused her to refuse them forever.

Stubborn and determined no one was safe from her wiles if she was wronged or misjudged. She outwardly proclaimed her hatred of people and governments if they were against her thinking. Yes, I speak of her in the past tense because the most unfair thing that happened to her is that she was the first to die.

So what is an Aries person really like. They are ruled by the planet Mars, the personified god of war. Does that make him a dreamer? Certainly they do fantasize and love romantic tales of fiction but refuse to straight out lie.

He is open and trustworthy, especially of authorities. He will always stay within the bounds of the law unless pushed beyond it by circumstances. My sister caught her husband in a brief affair by climbing a tree outside the woman’s apartment and then tipping a bucket of cold water over the pair of them when they emerged. I still laugh at the thought of it.

One major factor noticed of her is how easily she bent to accommodate those she loved and respected. Born as she was in the year of the monkey I could easily picture her swaying from branch to branch high above the mob below sizing up the exact position of power she could then jump into.

It appears that health-wise there is a risk of stomach disorders. That was true with her as she suffered from such most of her adult life. Never cruel and always honest her trait was always to be better than others.

She loved making things and winning at shows. She was adept at handiwork and craft and my house has many pieces of tiny cross stitch displays on its walls. It also contains the much treasured little images of love she sent me from time to time.

She made each of us knitted socks, crafted me pants without even a pattern, and before she died she handed me some beautiful draft stoppers in the form of dressed up animal characters and a clown for which she won first prize in the local show. They are too precious for me to hand them on.

Famous Aries include Nikita Krushchev, Tomas Jefferson, Joseph Pulitzer, and Charlie Chaplin. Add to this list many professional actors including Marlon Brando and Joan Crawford. Their place in the world has contributed to the way things are measured in today’s world.

Gentle, kind, and yet unrelenting climbers on their way to success of all the star signs it is Aries that wins in my heart. Never cruel but always stubborn they bend in the wind while they spread love, kindness, and beauty wherever they travel. It is hard to imaging what the world would be like without them.

The Universal Spirit has made all of us different and the star signs are an indication of the super intelligence and power that controls all. Through the diversity of types within the human species the great confusion and mysteries surrounding our beings is deep and in many cases unfathomable.

My reincarnation is a pointer to how wrong most belief systems. The varying patterns of mannerisms, characteristics, and roles played out in the world shows that our return to life is carefully timed as too our deaths. We die when our time is up no matter our age or how we have lived and we are reborn into situations that best serve the Spirit.

Those born between March 21st to Aril 20th fall into this category. Like the lamb of the ram who sired them the Aries child is full of attractive manners and beauty. They captivate their audience and learn from birth how to get their own way. My experience of this sign comes from my younger sister who charmed everyone with her love, caring nature, and generous acceptance of her lot in life.

On the negative side my sister protested the fact that she was the youngest in the family and made everyone aware of how unfair that was. She carried grudges and dislikes from her young childhood and loudly proclaimed them to anyone with a ready ear. Forced to eat certain vegetables, for instance, caused her to refuse them forever.

Stubborn and determined no one was safe from her wiles if she was wronged or misjudged. She outwardly proclaimed her hatred of people and governments if they were against her thinking. Yes, I speak of her in the past tense because the most unfair thing that happened to her is that she was the first to die.

So what is an Aries person really like. They are ruled by the planet Mars, the personified god of war. Does that make him a dreamer? Certainly they do fantasize and love romantic tales of fiction but refuse to straight out lie.

He is open and trustworthy, especially of authorities. He will always stay within the bounds of the law unless pushed beyond it by circumstances. My sister caught her husband in a brief affair by climbing a tree outside the woman’s apartment and then tipping a bucket of cold water over the pair of them when they emerged. I still laugh at the thought of it.

One major factor noticed of her is how easily she bent to accommodate those she loved and respected. Born as she was in the year of the monkey I could easily picture her swaying from branch to branch high above the mob below sizing up the exact position of power she could then jump into.

It appears that health-wise there is a risk of stomach disorders. That was true with her as she suffered from such most of her adult life. Never cruel and always honest her trait was always to be better than others.

She loved making things and winning at shows. She was adept at handiwork and craft and my house has many pieces of tiny cross stitch displays on its walls. It also contains the much treasured little images of love she sent me from time to time.

She made each of us knitted socks, crafted me pants without even a pattern, and before she died she handed me some beautiful draft stoppers in the form of dressed up animal characters and a clown for which she won first prize in the local show. They are too precious for me to hand them on.

Famous Aries include Nikita Krushchev, Tomas Jefferson, Joseph Pulitzer, and Charlie Chaplin. Add to this list many professional actors including Marlon Brando and Joan Crawford. Their place in the world has contributed to the way things are measured in today’s world.

Gentle, kind, and yet unrelenting climbers on their way to success of all the star signs it is Aries that wins in my heart. Never cruel but always stubborn they bend in the wind while they spread love, kindness, and beauty wherever they travel. It is hard to imaging what the world would be like without them.

The Universal Spirit has made all of us different and the star signs are an indication of the super intelligence and power that controls all. Through the diversity of types within the human species the great confusion and mysteries surrounding our beings is deep and in many cases unfathomable.

My reincarnation is a pointer to how wrong most belief systems. The varying patterns of mannerisms, characteristics, and roles played out in the world shows that our return to life is carefully timed as too our deaths. We die when our time is up no matter our age or how we have lived and we are reborn into situations that best serve the Spirit.

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