Guide to TV Aerials for the Best Signal

Guide to TV Aerials for the Best Signal

If you live in a region of the UK surrounded by buildings or parkland they can have an effect on the strength of your TV signal. If you want to get the best signal possible on your TV it can pay to know a little about aerials, so here is a quick guide to getting the best picture possible from TV aerials.

Choose a TV Aerial Company Local To You

Getting the best TV aerial possible can make a big difference to whether you get TV reception that is lousy or the best picture possible for the region you live in. It goes without saying that choosing a professional TV aerial company is the best way to go about choosing a TV aerial as they are able to assist you with the choice. A local company, preferably one from the region you live in will have a better idea of the signal strength you should be able to get in your region.

Location of the Aerial, Roof, Set-top or Loft

The number one thing that matters the most when it comes to how well the TV aerial is going to perform is the location of it. This is even more important if you happen to live in a region where the signal gets blocked. The location of your aerial in regions such as this can make the difference between having a superb picture or one that is barely watchable and which breaks up. So what is the best location for a TV aerial? The list below gives you the answer with the best solution being first and the worst in last place.

  1. Situated on your roof
  2. Installed in the loft
  3. An aerial situated indoors high up
  4. A set-top TV aerial.

A roof aerial is nearly always the best location for the aerial as it means the aerial is located as high up as it can get and so there is less in the way to block the signal between the transmitter and your aerial. On the roof it is also away from other electrical sources which could interfere with the signal and your picture quality. Hiring a professional TV aerial company is essential for the installation of a roof aerial.

If you are lucky enough to live in a region where the signal strength is excellent then a loft aerial installation may be adequate. On the plus side is the fact that a loft aerial is easier to install and if you are handy at DIY you may even be able to install it yourself. Another plus is that the aerial may last longer as it is not open to the elements.

Indoor aerials, no matter how high they are installed are not generally not adequate enough for most regions. The same typically applies to set-top aerials and usually the performance is somewhere between being poor to almost being useless. On the plus side is the fact that they are the least expensive and require no installation.

Benefits of Employing a Professional Aerial Installation Company

It goes without saying that when you hire a professional company offering aerial installation, it is going to cost you. However it is worth the outlay as the company will have the experience needed to ensure that you get the best picture quality possible from the aerial they supply and there are many benefits. Things that the company will take into account include:

  • Doing a survey to find out the best location and position for the aerial
  • How high the aerial needs to be to get the best signal possible
  • The best angle for the aerial to be fitted
  • The best position for the aerial
  • What type of aerial you need to get the best signal, for instance a wide gain aerial, stacked aerial, mast aerial.

With a professional aerial installation company supplying you with your TV aerial it really doesn’t matter whether you live in an area where the signal strength is poor or good as they will get the best from your aerial.

#Guide #Aerials #Signal

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